You've outgrown your old brand and self
A jungle cannot flourish in a pot.
One-size-fits-all never really suited you anyway.
But how do you transition without years of brainstorming, hiring a big team and going through months of iterations without feeling like it’s you?

- Your name plastered in the media of your choice— because you’re an expert in what you do
- That signature image of who you are and what your business stands for— reflecting the beautiful glorious you
- A brand that is Boutique and Bespoke, embodying who you are, attracting only the clients you wish to serve.
Most of all you want to BE and FEEL real. Especially if you have a treasure trove of passions, talents and skills.

Your Rebirth declares who you are— and the sweet triumph over all your journey, lessons and challenges.
Energy + Strategy = Success
But what does that mean in everyday speak?
The stories you tell yourself and the world matter. Like it or not, we are the puppets of our stories.
And what if you aren't aware of them?
The real stories you tell yourself. The stories that have long expired but which weigh you down. Or worst still, the stories that don’t belong to you, but which you’ve inherited from someone or someplace else.
You’d better tell yourself the story that serves you best.
Here’s where logic doesn’t always work, because stories are energetic. And that’s what we’ll work on first.
Your story illuminates who you are, what you stand for, what you want, and what you don’t want.
So we’ll realign your energy, by clearing the stories that don’t serve you. This way, we release your bang-your-head-against-the-wall and oh-I-hate-myself-for-procrastinating challenges, transmuting them into your mutant superpowers.
Because your business is a mirror of who you are. Then we flow into Strategy, helping you to craft, own and declare your story, masterminding this like a Da Vinci— where what you offer is nonpareil, unique and desired. Here’s where you get the best of copywriting, pitching, PR, branding and communications. And you’ll also be treated to a touch of personal styling, because you should savour success whilst looking and feeling beautiful.
Here's how your 7-hour VIP Day will unfold:--
The journey
You’ll get clear on who you wish to serve, where you’d like to be, and mastermind a gameplan to support your transition. We’ll figure out the Why behind your existing challenges, and the expired stories you have to release in order to up level. And then support you to do exactly that. We’ll craft a bespoke blend of cutting-edge psychology and ancient wisdom, including a signature collection of Doterra essential oils* that will accelerate your progress whilst you smell decadently glorious. (*Separate investment required)

- Here I Am: Unveil your story, mission and vision, and specialist subject(s). So you can pen your compelling About page and Media bio
- Craft your signature brand, style and work framework
- From Best Kept Secret to Respected Expert: Personalised scripts and strategies to mastermind your media presence
As a bonus you'll receive
- 1-1 email support (Value: £297)
- Black Book of Media Contacts (Value: Priceless)
- Astrological forecasts for your career and energy (Value: £997)
- Levels 1-7 energy clearing (Value: £997)
- The Neo Audit: A 60-minute audit of the rituals, patterns and people in your life to tweak for enhanced sleep, energy and purpose-filled days (Value: £247)

This is for you if
This option is perfect for highly-motivated people who prefer a lot more hands-on work. You’ll get breaks scheduled in-between, including time for energy work. We can do it virtually, or you can whiz yourself to Brighton (UK), invigorated by the salty sea air and savour a decadent round of afternoon tea with me. Craft cocktails, sashimi and cake to follow, if you so desire.
To keep the momentum, we’ll also have two 45-minute calls over the next fortnight. Here’s where you’ll stay accountable, and accelerate the mindset and lifestyle redesign that are the linchpin of your continued success.
It's time to play big
So you can elevate the clients you serve. And so you can reap the rewards you deserve.
This is your time.
This is your Rebirth.
This is the time to declare it.